Bisleri’s quality testing procedures — Shedding light on the same

Kaashif P Singhal
4 min readMar 23, 2021


India is a country where 50 per cent of the population does not get access to clean drinking water. Bisleri had been quenching the thirst of thousands of people for more than a decade. Every drop of water is safe and free from microbes and harmful particles. According to consumer’s water demands, the brand produces multiple sizes of packages starting from 500 ml to a 20 litre Water Can. Through the 10 step purification process and 114 quality assurance steps, Bisleri keeps its promise in maintaining goodness.

The Quality testing procedure of Bisleri follows the pattern as -

Collection of water — The water is collected carefully from underground reservoirs after confirming the chemical, sensorial, and microbiological properties. 7 kinds of tests are performed concerning the colour and taste of water. And 4 tests are performed to find out the number and type of microbes present. Testing raw water is carried out every 3 months.

Ozonisation — This is more powerful and faster in reducing the microbial load when compared with chlorination. The raw water gets rid of harmful microbes and is done daily.

Sand Filtration — Unwanted particles up to 30 microns are removed from the raw water with this process. It monitors and controls the microbes with 2 tests weekly and measurement of ozone concentration in the outlet of the sand filter with the 3rd test.

Carbon Filtration — This is a double filtration procedure that gets rid of colour, odour, and harmful particles under 4 types of testing. The first 2 are performed weekly that helps in monitoring the carbon filtrate and controlling the microbes within it. The 3rd test is performed to measure the ozone concentration in the carbon filter outlet. While the 4th test checks the iodine value. This step confirms how efficient the activated carbon is.

Reverse Osmosis — This removes the excess amount of salts, as well as minerals by a 2 step testing process, performed weekly. It checks the RO filter outlet to monitor and control microbes.

Mineralisation and Advanced Filtration — Right amount of vital minerals such as magnesium and Potassium compounds are added back. It improves the quality of water, making it healthy, and imparting sweetness.

Micron Filtration — Micron-particles up to 0.45 microns are removed at this stage of quality testing where 2 tests are performed weekly. These are Total Coliforms and Total Plant Count. It helps in monitoring microbes in the product water.

Re-Ozonisation — When the water is ready to be sealed, it is necessary to maintain its purity and quality after undergoing a lot of testing process on the raw water. This is performed at this level of quality testing.

Careful Bottling — 12 tests are performed at this level. 3 among them are visual inspection tests. It reports on the labeling, date, condition of the bottle and cap daily. This is done to assure that the product meets the market quality demands before dispatching. The other 7 tests are performed every 3 months according to the BIS standard and it is the bottle testing. Here, the strength, appearance, capacity of the bottle and check pet leaching in water. The remaining 2 tests are performed on empty bottles weekly. It helps to monitor and control the growth of microbes in empty bottles.

Quality Control of the finished product — At this final level of quality testing, a set of 79 tests is performed. 6 tests are performed to look into the Organoleptic and physical Organoleptic parameters like colour, taste, pH level, and so on. 25 tests are performed to check if the product is meeting the general parameters i.e. the chemical parameters like calcium and magnesium content, etc. These tests are performed in a range of daily to 6 months. Another 9 tests are performed to find out the presence of toxic substances like mercury. It is checked for six months. 2 tests are performed every two years to check the radioactive properties. The pesticide residues in the final product are determined through 16 tests performed every six months. Microbial requirements are ensured with 9 tests. Among these 6 tests are performed daily whereas 3 tests are conducted monthly in an external lab. To ensure product safety and meet customer satisfaction six physical testing are conducted. 3 sample tests are performed to check the shelf life. 2 tests are conducted to check the aerobic micron count that controls the optimum environmental conditions. Finally, a test is performed on the finished product to identify the ozone concentration. It is conducted on an hourly basis.

After completion of all these testing processes, the final product gets dispatched to the market. Now that you want to purchase a 20 litre mineral Water Can, you can visit Bisleri at the doorstep portal. On subscription, you can avail of a 5% discount on every purchase from the website. The water gets delivered to your location at your convenience. This is safe and hygienic drinking water that one can consume without being afraid of any harmful effect.



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